Güncelleme Tarihi: 21 January 2021
Visitors: 430
Archaeology Conferences
Historic Research Society organised an archaeology week with 4 days of conferences. On the first day Prof. Dr. Ufuk KOCABAŞ talked about Yenikapı excavations, on the second day Asst. Prof. Adem IŞIK talked about the relationship between the history of humanity and archaeology. On the third day of the event 8 January 2021, Assoc. Prof. Serap Özdol KUTLU talked about excavations of Çatalhöyük and on the last day of the event in the absence of Prof. Dr. Nurettin Koçhan, Asst. Prof. Ahmet TERCANLIOĞLU talked about Kyzikos excavations.
We thank all the participants and congratulate our students for organising this event.